August 30, 2012
Understand when total cost of care is the only winning argument - and when you can ignore it, says Oliver Wyman
August 30, 2012
Implications for pharma are in continuing pricing pressure, and preferences for distribution channels
August 30, 2012
Action adds to the increasing number of global healthcare-distribution pathways
August 30, 2012
The geriatric-dominated LTC market is growing, but has unique constraints
August 30, 2012
Deployment of Model N cloud-based IT services boosts internal capabilities at J&J
August 30, 2012
Achieving a 'clinical workflow' compatible with doctors' and hospital administrators' online preferences is the goal; will pharma promotional messaging find a place?
August 30, 2012
Elaborate testing is necessary to ensure the stability and functionality of today's drug-delivery systems
August 29, 2012
Premier, one of the leading group purchasing organizations (GPOs), is a vital linkage point between nearly 90,000 healthcare sites in the US, and the drug, device and hospital-supply vendors that serve them. Pharmaceutical Commerce sat down with Mike Alkire, chief operating officer of the company, to hear about what's driving GPO evolution today, and how it interacts with pharma manufacturers. Here's what he had to say:
August 29, 2012
Although controversial, patient-focused discounts can play a valuable role in managed-markets programs
August 29, 2012
The USP standard, currently in draft form, is an effort to provide recommendations for end-to-end supply chain integrity
August 29, 2012
Industry is not waiting for action in Washington
August 28, 2012
As payers seek higher-quality data from real-world treatment settings, the importance of reliable measures becomes critical
August 28, 2012
Design choices can make a difference in a crowded market
August 28, 2012
Orphan drug development and marketing have important distinct requirements for R&D, regulatory and marketing
August 27, 2012
Serialization systems are going into operation around the world, but cross-industry collaboration awaits new legislation