AstraZeneca to Build Strategic R&D Center

Cambridge, MA facility to be home to Alexion corporate HQ

AstraZeneca (AZ) will be opening up a new site in Cambridge, MA, a location often known as a life sciences and innovation hub. The facility will be a strategic R&D center for AZ, and it will also serve as Alexion’s new corporate HQ. The biopharma company was acquired back in July 2021.

The site is expected to be completed by 2026, and underlines AstraZeneca’s commitment to the greater Boston area, with over 570,000 square feet of R&D and commercial space, and room for expansion down the road.

“… Our combined company has already successfully leveraged internal scientific synergies, and this move will act as a catalyst for even more external collaboration and innovation,” says Pascal Soriot, AstraZeneca CEO. “… The move will provide access to some of the most innovative partners in academia and biotech, offering opportunities to accelerate our growth and collaborate with like-minded organizations as we continue to push the boundaries of science to deliver advances for patients.”