Cardinal Health Releases 2022 Biosimilars Report

Publication finds that only about 40% of retail pharmacists feel equipped to discuss biosimilars with patients

Pharma distributor Cardinal Health published its 2022 Biosimilars Report: The U.S. Journey and Path Ahead, a publication that brings together the latest industry data on biosimilar utilization and payer coverage with survey data from healthcare providers, and thoughts from physicians and experts on biosimilars. The report provides data and insights on where biosimilar adoption currently stands in the US and what is expected in 2022 and beyond, as biosimilars come to market in key disease categories, including diabetes and immunology.

The report features data from biosimilar surveys consisting of more than 320 oncologists, 100 rheumatologists, 100 retina specialists, 50 endocrinologists and primary care physicians treating diabetes, and 115 retail pharmacists, conducted in 2020 and 2021.

Among the featured research are results from a new insulin biosimilar survey with retail pharmacists showing that only about 40% feel prepared to discuss biosimilars with patients. In addition, only 20% of them note that they are very familiar with the FDA's interchangeability designation, which allows them to substitute insulin biosimilars for reference biologics.

Other features of the report include:

  • Payer coverage trends of biosimilars by therapeutic area
  • The pipeline of biosimilars that are expected to launch in the US, 2022-2029
  • Five biosimilar predictions for 2022

"2022 is set to be a turning point in the US, as biosimilars expand into new therapeutic areas and sites of care, and reimbursement models continue to evolve," comments Heidi Hunter, president of Cardinal Health Specialty Solutions. "Our new biosimilars report demonstrates that, while market challenges remain, most healthcare providers have a strong interest in using biosimilars to broaden patient access and drive more affordable care for their patients."