Coming Soon: A Frozen Active Temperature-Controlled Container

New CSafe product, expected early next year, features a -20°C setpoint.

CSafe, a provider of powered, temperature-controlled air-freight containers for pharmaceuticals, is expanding its active bulk air cargo container portfolio to integrate a new -20°C temperature setpoint for the CSafe RKN. The cold chain company will begin offering CSafe RKNs with the new frozen temperature setpoint on the control panel early 2024.

Its design reportedly requires minimal adjustment to accommodate the new -20°C temperature setpoint, which limits the need for additional customer training. Features include:

· Predictive and real-time analysis pre- and post-shipment to determine lane risk based on external data sources, such as flight tracking, inclement weather, etc.

· Total visibility to conditional data, in addition to battery level percentage and door open/close events

· A sustainable design that provides a lower energy active system to maintain performance

“This expansion of our high-performing active bulk air cargo portfolio is yet another example of CSafe’s on-going commitment to delivering new innovations to meet the changing needs of the biopharma industry,” says CSafe CEO, Patrick Schafer. “ … With this latest capability, CSafe offers an unmatched range of temperature profiles that can meet virtually every requirement for customers shipping these high-value therapies.”