‘Drugs to Watch’ list tags 11 about-to-be-approved therapies with blockbuster potential

Pharmaceutical Commerce, Pharmaceutical Commerce - March 2020, Volume 15, Issue 1

Clarivate Analytics predicts both approvals and commercial potential

Clarivate Analytics, the London and Philadelphia-based market-research and consulting firm, has launched a “Drugs to Watch” listing that offers to predict both what drugs currently in in Phase II or III will be approved this year, and also their potential $1-billion blockbuster status in 2024.

The list (see figure) is dominated by biologics and includes one genetic therapy, Biomarin Pharmaceutical’s Valrox (valoctocogene roxaparvovec), that is expected to come to market with a price tag north of $2.5 million. The “one and done” therapy is a potential cure for hemophilia A.

Clarivate’s in-house Cortellis team uses a combination of financial and medical data to perform its analysis. Sources of intelligence include annual filings, drug pipelines, clinical trials, patents, chemistry, deals, conferences and company announcements. A second step in the review is clinical trial results, regulatory status, the market for each drug (including analysis of competitor drugs) and regulatory designations.