Etihad Cargo Earns TIACA Advanced Rating for Sustainability Performance

Recognition is given to air cargo carriers who demonstrate specific decarbonization efforts.

Etihad Cargo—who works extensive with the pharmaceutical industry—has earned advanced ratings for key criteria in the BlueSky Sustainability Verification Program assessment, which is run by the International Air Cargo Association (TIACA). The carrier was the first Middle Eastern airline to join the program, whose goal is to assess, verify, and validate the sustainability performance of air cargo carriers.

The company completed an evidence-based desktop verification assessment in which independent validators assessed the carrier's sustainability initiatives and programs against eight key objectives. These eight objectives fall under three main themes, including environment, society, and culture and leadership, and include 30 specific actions the air cargo industry should prioritize to maximize its contribution to a sustainable world and minimize its negative environmental impact.

After completing desktop verification assessment, Etihad Cargo received a dashboard outlining the assessment results. The carrier achieved an advanced rating for the decarbonization objective, demonstrating the airline's progress in investing in and deploying sustainable aviation fuels (SAF), upgrading aerial fleets and ground vehicles to reduce carbon emissions, reducing energy consumption across its operations, and optimizing fleet utilization.

Etihad Cargo also scored highly in its performance in the area of partnerships. In recent years, the carrier has taken strides in its decarbonization journey to deliver its pledge to achieve net-zero carbon emissions by 2050 through partnerships and industry collaboration.

"I would like to congratulate Etihad Cargo for their TIACA BlueSky assessment results, achieving an advanced rating in the critical area of decarbonization, which is a testament to the strategic focus and successful execution of a number of programs and initiatives designed to reduce the impact on the environment while continuing to serve global air cargo markets," says Glyn Hughes, TIACA’s director general.