Fair Health Regional Tracker: Telehealth Use Has Decreased Nationally

April 2023 numbers include the privately insured, such as Medicare Advantage.

National telehealth use decreased 5.4% in April 2023, from 5.6% of medical claim lines in March to 5.3% in April, according to FAIR Health's Monthly Telehealth Regional Tracker. The decrease followed an increase in March 2023. In April, telehealth utilization also decreased in all four US census regions—the Midwest (4.7%), Northeast (6.3%), South (6.8%), and West (6.4%). The data represent the privately insured population, including Medicare Advantage and excluding Medicare Fee-for-Service and Medicaid.

Mental health conditions, the top-ranking telehealth diagnosis nationally and in every region, rose from 67.4% of telehealth claim lines nationally in March 2023 to 68.4% in April, marking the fourth straight month of national increases.

The percentage of telehealth claim lines for the second-place diagnosis, acute respiratory diseases and infections, decreased nationally in April, falling from 3.2% in March to 2.7% in April. This was the fourth consecutive national monthly decrease for this diagnosis.