HCMA's 2nd Annual Meeting Comes to the East Coast

Pharmaceutical Commerce, Pharmaceutical Commerce - March 2009,

Agenda includes healthcare marketing, communications and education

The new Westin Hotel in Jersey City, NJ, will be the site of the 2nd Annual Healthcare Communication & Marketing Assn. Conference, June 17-19. HCMA (Mt. Royal, NJ) originated in the merger of three entities: the Medical Marketing Assn (MMA), the Midwest Healthcare Marketing Assn (MHMA) and the Healthcare Marketing and Communications Council (HMC).

In line with last year’s successful meeting in Dallas, this year’s meeting will include International Award of Excellence (the In-AWE award) and the Delta Award, which recognizes professional innovation.

Pre-show workshops (on June 17) include:

  • Creating a competitive brand positioning strategy
  • Winning interview skills
  • No-compromise leadership

On June 18, the meeting opens with a keynote from State Senator Jennifer Beck (R-NJ) on “The Politics of Healthcare.” Over the next two days, sessions will be held on topics including:

  • Mistakes organizations make in leading strategic change
  • Getting the best out of your agencies
  • Web personalization to build brands
  • The return of e-detailing
  • Developing strategies to comply with disclosure guidelines

Nicholas Basta, editor in chief of Pharmaceutical Commerce, will re-unite with industry experts from the Hay Group, who worked on a report published last year, “The Demise of the Heroic CEO and the Rise of the Senior Management Team (Pharmaceutical Commerce, October, p. 31).

The In-AWE award dinner will be held on the evening of June 18. An exhibition hall will be open on the evening of June 17, and for the duration of the event.

Registration information is available at www.HCMAthefamily.org. PC