IntegriChain acquires Blue Fin Group, bolstering its commercialization-advising expertise

Companies to focus on market access strategies

The press announcement was rife with buzzy phrases of management-speak: “patient funnel pull-through,” “GTN (gross to net) optimization” and “orchestrating … a seamless commercial strategy.” But apart from the buzzphrases, the two companies are, in fact, unusual in their focus on commercial practices in the pharma industry—IntegriChain, with its ICyte platform, provides analysis and forecasting based on data from government payer contracting, patient services, and distribution channels; and Blue Fin, a consulting group of 45 professionals, with deep experience in analyzing US pharma-distribution channels—wholesaler practices, pharmacy benefit managers (PBMs) and payers, in addition to best practices in field sales and market access.

“Simply put, Blue Fin Group helps develop commercialization strategies, and IntegriChain operationalizes them,” stated Kevin Leininger, CEO of IntegriChain.

The two companies count hundreds of pharma clients in their rosters, and total employment now approaches 600. This acquisition is IntegriChain’s fifth expansion since entering its strategic partnership in 2016 with Accel-KKR, a leading technology-focused private equity firm. Going forward, Blue Fin will operate as an independent division of IntegriChain, led by founder William Roth.