Kantar Health draws 10 ‘key influencers’ from its Global Health and Wellness Report

Pharmaceutical Commerce, Pharmaceutical Commerce - November 2019, Volume 14, Issue 4

‘Global privacy regulation’ and ‘digital health’ bracket the 10 influences going into 2020

Kantar Health, a leading market research company, performs its Global Health and Wellness Survey annually, and then generates a report around it. This year’s report, “Healthcare 2020: The 10 Key Influencers of Global Health and Wellness,” combines the self-reported data of 2.4 million consumers in the US, EU5, and emerging markets (Brazil, China, Russia) with Kantar’s analysis how consumer mood will affect healthcare policy.

The 10 influencers are:

  • 1. Global Privacy Legislation
  • Linking Patient Data and Electronic Health Records
  • Oncology Innovation
  • Vaccines
  • Medicine Adherence and 'Patient Modes'
  • Medicine Affordability and Pricing
  • Value Assessment Frameworks
  • Artificial Intelligence
  • Real World Evidence
  • Digital Health.

Looking over the list, it’s notable how much of it is focused on digital data—its collection and analysis. ‘Digital health’ and EHRs are platforms for the collection of patient data; AI and RWE are mechanisms for analyzing that data. Thus, the importance of global privacy legislation becomes apparent—Kantar reports that while “there isn’t any universal consistency on the principles of data protection or how personal data is handled,” Brazil is in the process of adopting privacy legislation based on the recently formalized General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) of the EU.

The Global Health and Wellness Survey has now expanded to include more disease states. Some highlights:

  • Self-reported psychiatric conditions remain highest among adults in the United States (45%), Brazil (44%), and the EU5 (34%).
  • Cancer has been diagnosed among 9% of Americans, 6% of EU5 citizens, and 1% of Chinese.
  • Diagnosed autoimmune diseases range from 7% of Americans to 2% of Japanese.
  • Half or more of the regions’ citizens polled claim to exercise more than once monthly (!); self-reported smoking rates range from a low of 15% (Brazil) to 31% (Russia); the US rate is 17%.

the Healthcare 2020 report can be downloaded at www.Kantar.com/health.