Pharmaceutical Shippers' Preparations for 100% Cargo Screening Move Forward

Pharmaceutical Commerce, Pharmaceutical Commerce - April 2010,

By most accounts, the Aug 1 deadline for 100% screening of freight carried on passenger aircraft will take force regardless of industry readiness. For pharma packages, this requirement will create numerous difficulties in cases where a package has been sealed or is specially packed (such as for cold-chain shipment). The US Transportation Security Administration (TSA) has set up the Certified Cargo Screening Program (CCSP) for manufacturers and shippers to pre-certify their packages prior to their arrival at an air facility, but getting and maintaining this certification is not a straightforward process.

With that in mind, DHL Global Forwarding and American Air Cargo announced a partnership to prepare pharmaceutical companies for the new requirement. The companies’ first joint training session took place in Dallas and educated customers on piece-level screening, the impact the mandate will have on handling processes and the TSA certification process.

The screening program, which the TSA calls a practical supply chain solution that “provides security while ensuring the flow of commerce,” is currently available in 18 cities. Any facility, including manufacturers, warehouses, distribution centers and third-party logistics providers, that tenders cargo directly to an air carrier or indirect air carrier may apply for the certification, enabling those companies to screen the individual pieces of cargo before consolidating them for shipment in boxes or pallets.

American Air Cargo has said that it will waive new screening fees and offer discounted security fees for customers that participate in CCSP.