Pharmaceutical Commerce - April 2010

New ethics code draws clear line between physicians and drug companies

April 30, 2010

No specific guidelines included on how restrictive financial interactions should be

FDA puts a spotlight on cargo theft of life sciences products

April 29, 2010

FDA-run website will provide a single point of reference

New study sets benchmark for post-marketing surveillance process

April 27, 2010

Gaps found in gray areas like adverse events reported on blogs and interactive web events

Comparative effectiveness research gets boost with healthcare overhaul law

April 26, 2010

PPACA provides $3 billion in funding and creates new Patient-Centered Outcomes Research Institute

Global pharma growth will be 5-8% annually through 2014, predicts IMS Health

April 22, 2010

‘Pharmerging’ markets will provide half the boost to 2014’s $1.1-trillion market

ValueCentric offers a New Product Launch service leveraging CVS Caremark trade data

April 22, 2010

Service builds on ValueCentrics’ ValueTrak channel-data tracking capability

New United BioSource partnership steps up expertise across Asia-Pacific markets

April 22, 2010

Singapore-based Clearstate will help UBC clients navigate complex reimbursements policies

NanoGuardian one step closer to delivering early-warning anti-counterfeiting system

April 21, 2010

Altegrity Risk International named security partner in Closed-Loop Protection Program

Diplomat Specialty Pharmacy poised for growth in Michigan

April 21, 2010

Specialty pharmacy wins $61.5M in tax credits and $14M in grants for 1,000-plus jobs

Global pharma growth will be 5-8% annually through 2014, predicts IMS Health

April 20, 2010

‘Pharmerging’ markets will provide half the boost to 2014’s $1.1-trillion market

Cancer drug Avastin tops forecast for 2014's top-selling drugs worldwide

April 15, 2010

Blockbusters Lipitor and Plavix disappear from list due to patent expirations

Prime Therapeutics identifies factors influencing drug adherence

April 15, 2010

90-day supplies and lower out-of-pocket expenses positively impact compliance

FDA Approves Harder-to-Abuse OxyContin Formulation

April 14, 2010

Reformulated drug is a ‘step in the right direction,’ says FDA director

Time Is Running Out on Unused Stocks of H1N1 Vaccine

April 13, 2010

CDC to release action plan for dealing with unused or expired swine flu vaccine

Follow the Money... Where Healthcare Policy is Headed

April 10, 2010

CMS will be changing reimbursement practices regardless of how healthcare reform plays out

AstraZeneca's Principles for Product-Related Online Communications

April 10, 2010

Industry anticipates meaningful guidance from FDA on use of social media

Monetizing Intellectual Property: Royalties, Revenues and Alternative Sources of Capital

April 10, 2010

Investment funds have developed an interest in trading capital for royalties on drug commercializations

Look for Flexibility In Your CRM or SFA System

April 10, 2010

Business, regulatory and technological conditions are constantly changing. Will your CRM/SFA system be flexible enough to keep up?

True Software-as-a-Service (SaaS) Transforms Sales Automation Systems to Make Upgrades Painless

April 10, 2010

Multi-tenant sales-force automation (SFA) systems are coping with an increasingly complex regulatory environment

Leveraging the EHR to Advance Clinical Research

April 10, 2010

Converging the processes and data from EHRs and from the electronic data-capture (EDC) of the clinical research environment could change the paradigm of drug development and safety

Injectable-Drug Market Continues Moving Toward Plastics and Prefilled Syringes

April 10, 2010

Parenteral (injectable) drugs gain user acceptance even as biotech brings more of them onto the market

Get Ready for Pharma 3.0, Says Ernst & Young in Its Annual Progressions Report

April 10, 2010

The growth of healthcare business is attracting many new players to the pharmaceutical arena, challenging pharma’s relationships with patients

Industry Sets Its Social-Media Regulatory Position With DDMAC

April 10, 2010

PhRMA pushes for an FDA ‘universal symbol’ of approved content, and seeks latitude in communications in online forums

Global Growth Will Accelerate in 'Pharmerging' Countries, Says IMS Health

April 10, 2010

Big Pharma is not yet deeply enough invested in faster-growing markets outside the developed economies

SupplyScape, reborn as TraceLink, is back with the

April 09, 2010

Pedigree-pioneering team resurfaces with cloud-based collaborative platform

FDA's DDMAC Takes Another Stab at Enforcing Fair Balance in Drug Advertising

April 09, 2010

Agency strives to balance risks and benefits in how drugs are presented in direct-to-consumer (DTC) campaigns

What the iPad Means for Pharma

April 08, 2010

New Apple gadget could help usher in an era of medical applications fully integrated into a healthcare professional’s day-to-day life

US Prescription Sales Grew 5.1% in 2009 to $300.3 billion, Estimates IMS Health

April 07, 2010

Generics are now 75% of dispensed prescriptions, with generics up 5.9% in 2009 and branded products down 7.6%

Public Thinks Less of Pharmaceutical Industry in 2009

April 06, 2010

In latest Harris Interactive study, reputation of the pharmaceutical industry drops, but still fares better than some sectors